
The report provides an in-depth analysis and comparison of different Geo-ICT companies in Europe and how they relate to INSPIRE.

The study’s primary objectives were:

  • Assessing the market potential for Geo-ICT companies in relation to INSPIRE
  • Characterizing obstacles for Geo-ICT companies to enter this market, with focus on knowledge gaps and training needs

The study was carried out in four stages:

  • Desk research using published statistics to describe the Geo-ICT SME sector and its context
  • On-line survey to establish an overview of targeted Geo-ICT SMEs in 12 Member States
  • In-depth interviews to establish the detailed circumstances of the targeted Geo-ICT SMEs
  • Workshops where results were discussed and validated in a collaborative approach.

The report is available both integral: study on the Geo-ICT sector in Europe (integral) (9506)

and short version: study on the Geo-ICT sector in Europe (short version) (3636)