Powered by INSPIRE
Safety, Mobility, Sustainability and more
When: 4th and 5th March 2013
Where: Brussels, Belgium
For more information: http://www.poweredbyinspire.eu/
Spatial data are indispensable ingredients for decision making concerning our environment. Powered by the European INSPIRE programme, spatial data under 34 environmental themes is made digitally available for re-use. These data can be connected cross border. How can you benefit from this? You are welcome to find out in the conference Safety, Mobility, Sustainability and more
…Powered by INSPIRE
Danny Vandenbroucke and Glenn Vancauwenberghe of KU Leuven will make the presentation “smeSpire – Turning the challenges of INSPIRE implementation into business opportunities for European geo-ICT SMEs”, during the parallel session “Making business of data”.
The presentation will provide insight into the current role of the private sector in the implementation and use of INSPIRE with a particular focus on geo-ICT SMEs and the innovation potential in the GI sector.