INSPIRE Network Services advanced


Earlier versions of this training module have been developed within the context of the KU Leuven Summer Schools, 2010-2011-2012 (KOI-VLIR) and the smespire project, 2014 (
Author: Paul Jacxsens, KU Leuven. The material is provided under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License (

The INSPIRE Directive defines 5 types of web services called network services through which the spatial data resources can be accessed according to the publish-search-find-bind paradigm. Users can find data according to specific search criteria (or geographic coordinates), view the metadata and the spatial data themselves, and downloading them on their own computer for further use. The INSPIRE network service build further on existing international standards from W3C, ISO and OGC. Setting-up the right network services is not a straightforward tasks and needs the necessary exercises based on thorough best practice guidelines.

The module summarizes the implementing rules for network services (module basics of INSPIRE network services) and provides some guidelines based on best practices throughout Europe to set-up a conformant and performant network service. The module provides insight in how to set-up a WMS, a WFS and a CSW, and how you can/must test such services. The training material consist of presentations, supporting documents, exercises, assignments, webcasts and a web-lecture. The module is a self-learning module, but it can also be provided as a face-to-face learning module.


This module contains the following parts:

  1. Before starting creating services – an overview of rules and best practice guidelines
  2. Hands-on exercise setting up and testing a WMS
  3. Hands-on exercise setting up and testing a WFS
  4. Hands-on exercise setting up and testing a CSW
Learning outcomes

After the training offer, the learner will be able to prepare the setting up of a web service; set up and configure an operational WMS and test the quality of the service capabilities and attributes; set up an operational WFS and test the quality of the service capabilities and attributes; set up an operational CSW and test the quality of the service capabilities and attributes.

Intended Audience
This seminar aims at GI professionals and ICT professionals who need to implement INSPIRE network services.
Basic knowledge about INSPIRE (Introduction to INSPIRE), as well as basic knowledge about INSPIRE network services and the international standards on which they are based.
PDF documents, presentations, exercises, assignments, webcasts and a web-lecture. The module is a self-learning module but it can also be provided as a face-to-face training.
Expected workload
Expected workload is 18 hours (12 hours when face to face format is followed).