Introduction to costs/benefits of INSPIRE & possible opportunities


This training module has been developed within the context of the smeSpire project in 2013 (
Author: Catharina Bamps, KU Leuven. The material is provided under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License(

The implementation of the INSPIRE Directive generates costs but also benefits and possible opportunities for the public sector (Administration) but also for the private sector (Business) and Citizen.

This module gives first a brief overview on how the thinking around a Spatial Data Infrastructure as a Business case has evolved (and INSPIRE is the SDI for Europe). Going from cost recovery, to the free and fee debate, cost/benefit analysis, return on investment and finally demand-side valuation: data/services that are not accessed or used, have no value (and thus no benefits), so value derives from utility (´consumption´ of the data/services), defined by the users (A, B and C);

Some examples and good practices of uptake/consumption of data and services in business processes and the benefits for A, B and C are shown (source: European Union Location Framework good practices).

Furthermore, the module deals with the INSPIRE implementing rule on Monitoring and Reporting and the guidelines for the Member States to report in detail on the cost and benefit aspects. These country reports contain information for B2A opportunities namely on how business can support the administration in achieving the INSPIRE benefits.

Furthermore, the modules pays attention to the business opportunities that come with the implementation of INSPIRE: ´setting up´ INSPIRE (B2A) and ´building upon INSPIRE´ (B2A, B2B and B2C). ´Setting up´ INSPIRE includes different business processes that are identified based on the INSPIRE Directive, implementing rules which also imply innovative activities like publishing data as linked data, augmented reality…

The training material consist of presentations, supporting documents and a weblecture. The module is a self-learning module.

This seminar contains the following modules/parts:

  1. Costs & benefits of implementing INSPIRE
  2. Examples of INSPIRE & SDI Business processes
  3. Where are the business opportunities?
Learning outcomes

After the training offer, the participant will be able to summarise the thinking around a Spatial Data Infrastructure as a Business case, describe the main elements of return on investment and demand-side valuation. Illustrate the uptake/consumption of data and services in business processes and the benefits for A, B and C; briefly describe the requirements of the IR for Monitoring and Reporting regarding costs and benefit aspects and identify possible business opportunities that come along with the activities to establish INSPIRE and that are built upon the established INSPIRE.

Intended Audience

This seminar aims at professionals seeking for a more in depth insight in the challenges of the INSPIRE initiative and want to build further on the opportunities INSPIRE offers (e.g. managers of SME’s and public bodies). Also unemployed people seeking new job opportunities.


Participants should know the basics about INSPIRE or have followed the Introduction to INSPIRE.

PDF documents, presentations, Weblecture. The module is a self-learning module.
Expected workload
Expected workload is 3 hours.