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INSPIRE Conference 2014: INSPIRE for good governance
16-20 June 2014. Aalborg, Denmark Seven years have passed since INSPIRE was adopted as the EU’s legal framework establishing the infrastructure for spatial information in Europe serving policies and activities having an impact on the environment. During this period the framework of technical specifications necessary to underpin an interoperable infrastructure has been completed, and a major effort has taken place to implement the Directive in the Member States. It is now time for the mid-term evaluation to assess how well&hellip
Find out more »W3C/OGC Workshop: Linking Geospatial Data
On behalf of the Smart Open Data project, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), in partnership with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the OGC GeoSPARQL Standards Working Group, the UK Government Linked Data Working Group, Google and Ordnance Survey, invite you to share your experiences, successes and frustrations in using
Find out more »GIS Ostrava 2014
symposium GIS Ostrava 2014 – “Geoinformatics for Intelligent Transportation” will take place from 27 to 29 January 2014 in Ostrava (Czech Republic). The aim of the conference is to present and discuss new methods, issues and challenges of the geoinformatics contributing to make transportation more intelligent, efficient and human friendly. It is a chance for GI experts, geographers, transportation planners, developers, public sector as well as industry transportation specialists, and other professionals who are interested in using geoinformation technologies for transportation&hellip
Find out more »The second joint Czech – Slovak INSPIRE conference
The second joint Czech – Slovak INSPIRE conference will take part in Bratislava on 27.-28.11.2013. The conference is a meeting point for professionals from both countries who will be informed about current status of INSPIRE implementation in Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as the latest INSPIRE news in Europe
Find out more »2013 SME Assembly in Lithuania
The 2013 SME Assembly takes place in*Vilnius, Lithuania on 25 and 26 November*. A hugely significant event in the context of European initiatives to foster much needed economic growth, the conference is the focus of European SME Week
Find out more »International Conference Spatial Data Infrastructures and Spatial Information Management 2013
The conference will be focused on the importance and usage of SDIs and SIM on local, national and regional level, with association to global initiatives. Targeting the process of spatial data sharing through the Internet, as a tool for faster, easier and simpler access to spatial data by all stakeholders, customers and clients; the implementation of International-Global and European criteria for organizing digital spatial data; the impact of spatial information on all application fields; cooperation between stakeholders, such as state&hellip
Find out more »JIIDE 2013 – IV Iberian Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures
JIIDE 2013 – IV Iberian Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures November 13-15, 2013, Toledo, Spain
Find out more »ICT 2013 event in Vilnius
ICT 2013 in Vilnius offers a unique opportunity for Framework projects and for individual companies to showcase their most advanced research, ICT products and most innovative creations. More than 150 exhibition stands will show the latest results. Vilnius on 6-8 November, 2013 More information
Find out more »The ASITA Conference 2013
The 17th edition of the National Conference ASITA (the Italian Federation of Scientific Associations for Territorial and Environmental Information) will be held at the congress center of Riva del Garda (TN) from 5 to 7 November 2013. More information
Find out more »Sharing Geospatial Data Workshop
This workshop, organized by University of Bern, aims at providing an interdisciplinary platform to present and learn about best practice rules for geospatial data exchange, metadata tools and archiving facilities: Discuss the possibilities of geodata transfer and preservation not only within small workgroups but also large interdisciplinary projects Discover the geodata sharing features of open source (e.g. CMS Cartaro) as well as proprietary (e.g. ArcGIS) software Learn about successful applications of geodata crowdsourcing for scientific purposes Present your own ideas&hellip
Find out more »Esri Europe, Middle East, and Africa User Conference
Come to the 2013 Europe, Middle East, and Africa User Conference (EMEAUC) and join a geospatial community focused on excellence. Meet, collaborate, and network with GIS users and Esri staff from the Europe, Middle East, and Africa regions and beyond. You will come away smarter, more connected, and better equipped to answer the toughest questions facing your organization and industry
Find out more »Lithuanian ESRI User Conference
Lithuanian ESRI User Conference is one of the most effective ways to: to hear about the real world applications of GIS; to learn new mapping techniques, to improve programming skills; to discuss new features, to expand own network of acquaintances and to obtain priceless ideas for your GIS work
Find out more »INSPIRE KEN Schema transformation Workshop
THE INSPIRE KEN (Knowledge Exchange Network) is organizing a workshop about schema transformation tools and methods in the premises of the ENSG – Marne-La-Vallée (near Paris) – France. The objectives of the workshop is to make a state-of-play about (existing or projected) schema transformation tools. More information
Find out more »Geodesign Summit Europe
The Geodesign Summit Europe is inspired by the Esri Geodesign Summit held annually in Redlands, California. This is the first gathering of professionals in Europe interested in using geospatial technologies to arrive at the best and most sustainable design solutions. More information
Find out more »24th railML.org meeting
The 24th conference of the railML.org initiative will be held on Wednesday 2013-09-18 at the location of UIC in Paris, France. This event will be held in English language; the number of participants is limited. RailML.org is a development partnership comprised of a number of research groups, railways and independent businesses. More information
Find out more »FOSS4G 2013
FOSS4G is the global conference for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial, organized by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). In 2013, FOSS4G will be held in in the United Kingdom for the first time, at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham, from 17th to 21st September. More information
Find out more »EnviroInfo 2013 Conference in Hamburg
Environmental Informatics and Industrial Environmental Protection: Concepts, Methods and Tools. The EnviroInfo 2013 is the 27th edition of the long-year established international and interdisciplinary conference series on leading environmental IC Technologies to make the world a better place for living. It has for a long time been shaping the Applied Informatics field of Environmental Informatics on a national as well as international scale. Date: September 2nd – 4th 2013 More information
Find out more »The 8th International Symposium on Digital Earth 2013
The Institute of Geospatial Science & Technology (INSTeG), UTM is hosting the 8th International Symposium on Digital Earth 2013 (ISDE 2013). The theme for the conference is “Transforming Knowledge into Sustainable Practice”. More information
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